garden maintenance

About Us

Linda Ferguson GGS
Awarding Body
Award Winning Design

Linda Ferguson,
Guildford Gardening Services

The 'tree hugging' Linda Ferguson has lived in and around the Guildford and Surrey area for more than 40 years.
Already successful in her career, as an accountant and book keeper, as well as raising her family, Linda's true passion is the outdoors and all that is green.
In recent years, what started as a passionate hobby, has blossomed into a thriving small business, built on foundations of reliability, value for money, and genuine flare and expertise.
The three times award winning gardener, has now launched her website, and has her sights set on more awards, as well as bringing pleasure and aesthetically pleasing pragmatic utility to every garden in Guildford and Surrey.
(is there really enough time in one day!)
Linda Ferguson GGS

New Projects & Ventures

Always aware of conservation, and looking for new ventures, Linda now works closely with the 'urban upcycler' in London. 
Together, they produce stylish, unique, robust, practical garden furniture. Manufactured and hand made from upcycled/recycled materials.
This years projects include bespoke artisan tables, planters, and garden art.
Here we see Linda at lunch with the Urban Upcycler in London, experiencing Pie, Mash & Liquor for the first time!

Decking and landscaping


In stark reality, you're more likely to find Linda cooking a roast dinner, or fine tuning her Haytor lawn mowers, than sitting around with a glass of white (seeing as Linda is teetotal).
Generally, Linda is usually available for a friendly chat, for advice or enquiries (unless stuck up a tree) in which case she'll call you back as soon as convenient.
Call Linda

Bringing your garden into your home is my mantra

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